My Tricks for Online Presenting and Preaching (without boring people to death)
What are your go-to practices for making sure you engage your audience every time you present, teach, preach, or lead a meeting online? Here’s the secret I’ve learned to presenting to people online: it doesn’t have the same impact as it doesn’t when you are talking to them in person without making some essential tweaks.
Creating Online Community Engagement Beyond Zoom
Most of us are really thankful for teleconferencing software that lets us see and talk to people “face-to-face” in real time. But let’s face it, there’s a start and end to our Zoom conversations and an exclusivity about them that while appropriate at times, definitely leaves us craving more community engagement.
My daily schedule when we both work from home (with a toddler)
It’s officially a crazy time. For most of us, this is the most uncertain our jobs, finances, and schedules have ever been in our lifetime. Almost everyone is working from home and for a lot of us, this is the first time we’re working from home AND needing to care for our kid(s) at the same time.