Spoiler Alert: Practicing Gratitude Did Not Come Easy to Me
I love that Thanksgiving in the United States invites us to intentionally take some time to think about what we’re thankful for. Sometimes, with the holiday approaching, I like to take the time to think back over the whole year and think about what I’m truly grateful for since last Thanksgiving. Other times, I’m so focused on the present, that I can’t think much beyond my current circumstances and what I'm thankful for today. Taking the time to reflect on what we’re grateful for at Thanksgiving time reminds me how valuable it is to reflect on what I’m grateful for on a regular basis, not just one day a year.
Leaders' Mindsets Impact Gospel Reach
The difference between our churches reaching new believers and seeing a decline in membership might just be our mindsets as leaders. You are a pastor, yes, but you are also a leader if you plan to use your influence to help people in your church community work together towards a common goal (like the Great Commission, or the Great Commandments, or…fill in the blank with the vision God put on your heart). When it comes to reaching new people with the Good News of Jesus, our efforts might be falling short if we think we can reach people the same way we did 10 years ago. Our mindset, what we believe to be true about today or the future, is critical to our leadership efforts as pastors.