3 Ways You Can Keep Leading in the Messy Middle
This spring has brought forth major changes in our society from a global pandemic to a justice revolution around the world.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck right now, it’s completely normal. The good news is, even while you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, there are three ways you can lead people even when you feel like you don’t know what “to do” next.
Lean Into the Tension
The first is to lean into the tension. This might be one of the most exhausting seasons in modern history for everyone. And while you must take care of yourself in order to move forward effectively, leaning into the tension that exists right now is crucial. When we lean into the tension, we commit to doing the hard work, to being creative, to listening, and to figuring out a way forward no matter how challenging it might be.
Most of us have been caught resting on our heels and now it’s time to press in, to lean in, and to commit to moving forward productively. It won’t be easy, it will require hard conversations, out-of-the-box thinking, and maybe even letting go of some of our own limiting beliefs that have held us back from making real change in our lives and making a lasting impact.
Model the Way in the Middle
The second is to model the way forward through our own actions. Yes, even though you may not know exactly what “to do” next. Likely, right now, as you lean into the tension of our times, you are listening, contemplating, grieving, and learning. As you do these things, model them for those around you. Even when you don’t know exactly what steps to take next, the one thing we know is certain right now is that there's a lot for us to learn about what we want the future to look like. So model to those around you how you are leaning into this tension so that we can all pursue a better reality together.
Embrace the Not So Sexy Value
Lastly, it’s time to embrace humility. Humility might not be sexy (if it were, way more people would be embracing it), but these are uncharted waters. And getting different results requires doing things differently. So, it’s time to embrace humility.
The challenges we are facing today require listening to new voices, learning how to do things differently, and trying new things. Those who will be the most effective moving forward in this season are those who are ready to acknowledge they don’t know it all and that they don’t have it all together. One of the biggest marks of humble people is asking questions and then being willing to listen to the answers, even when they’re uncomfortable.
Leading in the messy middle might not be for everyone. But if you want to make a lasting impact in the world with me, then we can do hard things; we must. Don't stop leading simply because you don't have the way forward all figured out. Lean into the tension, model the way in the middle, and demonstrate humility to those looking on. Our world needs leaders like you!