Do You Have a Leadership Development Plan?
Have you ever wished you were being intentionally developed more in your current position? If you're like most people, you just raised your hand! Did you know that being developed by your boss is one of the most desired aspects of someone’s job that doesn’t actually happen? In fact, in his management research, Michael Losey found that the Number 2 reason people leave an organization is because of a lack of career development (the Number 1 reason being compensation and benefits). Whether or not your boss intentionally helps you with your development plan, know this: you ARE worth investing in. So, what can you do about it?
First, know this, there are likely a number of reasons your boss isn’t developing you and likely none of them is actually about you. Because it’s so infrequently done by anyone, they likely don’t know how to do it well. Perhaps no one has intentionally developed them in their career either. Another reason is that they may value urgency over a long-range view and let’s face it, development falls into the long-range category, not short-term urgency. Whatever their reasons, their lack of intention to develop your potential, skills, gifts, and strengths has nothing to do with the reality that you are worth investing in!
Even if your boss isn’t intentionally developing you right now, this doesn’t mean you should sit around and wait until they start to. Here’s the truth, unless their values change in how they lead and manage, they won’t start developing you any time soon. So, it’s up to you to invest in it yourself. And it starts with creating a personalized development plan just for you!
Here’s a link to download a free customizable Development Planning Guide! The steps are outlined below.
Step 1. Where are you headed?
Figuring out where to start investing in your own development starts with you deciding where you want to be in 3-5 years. What are your career goals or dreams? Even if you literally want to stay in the same position for the next 10 years because you love it so much, there are areas where you want to improve so that you can serve others better. So write that future vision down.
Step 2. What will you need to know?
Next, find out what the skills and competencies are that you’ll need to have in order to be prepared for your next job (or to improve in the position you’re in). You might already know what the skills and competencies are for your career path, or you may need to ask someone. A great person would be to ask your boss (if they’re supportive that is) or someone who currently is in the position that you want to move into. Write down the list of things you would need to be proficient at once you have an interview for that job.
Step 3. Where are you now?
Now, write down your current strengths, skills, and competencies. What are you good at right now? Think outside your current position. Likely, you're not using all of your skills and strengths right now. So take a little time to write everything down.
Step 4. Mind the gap
Now, find the gaps between where you’re at today and where you’ll need to be for your next job. Write down the specific things you need to learn to eliminate the gap.
Step 5. What do you need to do?
Next, identify what you need to do in order to eliminate the gaps and get that learning. This might be taking an online course, getting a certificate, reading some new books, listening to new podcasts, shadowing someone in that job right now, and/or finding new mentors.
Step 6. Share it with someone
Now, if it’s appropriate, share your personal development plan with your boss and get them on board supporting it and helping you with it. I just talked with a girlfriend whose boss is willing to pay for a course that will help her with your future goal outside the company and is not a training she needs for her current position. (If you don't ask, you will never know!) If your boss isn't a good fit, identify someone else who is and will help hold you accountable to your development.
Whatever you do, don’t wait around for someone to develop you, you are worth investing in today! The statistics say your boss will not take the time to individually develop you, so don’t take it personally if that’s your reality. But don’t take it as a sign you shouldn’t develop yourself either! Here’s the link to download a free Development Planning Guide that you can customize. You've got this! Remember, you're worth investing in!
Now, I’d love to hear from you. What’s the biggest insight you’re taking away? Most importantly, what is the first thing you’re going to do to create your own development plan? How can you turn that insight into action today?