How to Overcome Fear of Failure for CHRISTIAN LEADERS


Feeling stuck? Or experienced a failure in your life or leadership lately? When it comes to making progress in your life or leadership have you ever worried that you just might not be successful at it? If you’ve ever struggled with a fear of failure, or perfectionism, know this: our fear of failure doesn’t have to hold us back.

When it comes to making progress in our life or leadership, we have to be willing to try something new and we have to face the fear of failure.

Making mistakes is a normal part of life and leading and what you do after you fail really matters.

Overcoming your fear of failure takes intentionality and so does knowing what to do when you fail. But your personal development is worth the investment!

If you want to realize your full potential, these leadership tips and personal growth motivation will help you be the change you want to see in the world.

In this video you’ll learn:

  • 5 tips to overcome your fear of failure.

  • Why perfectionism is holding you back.

  • How to discover the root of your fears and insecurities.

  • The power of experiments for making progress.

If you, or someone you know, is facing a low point, watch this now.

In the comments below, tell me your biggest insight, takeaway, or aha moment from this video

Don’t let these tips go in one ear and out the other. Leave a comment below.

Why? Because real transformation happens when we take our insights and put them into action in little ways every day.


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