How to Get More Done in Less Time (Without Burning Out)
Want help getting more in less time as a female Christian leader? This video will teach you how to get more done in less time without burning out. If you’re looking for leadership tips on how to manage your day, time-management tricks, or productivity hacks for organizing your day, this video will teach you what you need to know to get more done in less time as a female Christian leader. You were created to thrive!
Dealing with Burnout as a Female Christian Leader and THRIVING AGAIN!
Want help dealing with burnout? This video will teach you how to deal with burnout as a female Christian leader. If you’re looking for how to deal with burnout in ministry and at work, this video will teach you the three signs and symptoms of burnout and how to deal with burnout as a female Christian leader. You were created to thrive!
How to Lead During Uncertainty Without Burning out
We live in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. Whether we like it or not, it’s the truth. People’s needs and wants are changing. Supply and demand are uncertain, even for things like toilet paper and cleaning products. I believe, and studies reveal, that this demands continuous organizational change so that we can continue to meet or exceed the expectations of those we serve.
Dr. Alicia’s Must-Read Book List for Female Leaders
Female leaders have to have four things in order to succeed in their roles: confidence, influence, connections, and a vision. Arriving at this combination of strengths is mostly a matter of mindset.
Why My Husband's Favorite Advice Got Him a Date With Me (and why you need it in your life today)
One of my favorite inside jokes with my husband while driving around our city, is spotting a restaurant, and asking him who he had a date with there. I ask him this because I know that he most likely did take someone on a date there! No, my husband was not a serial dater. But he knew that he wanted to get married someday and have a family.
A Guide to Finding the Right Person to Fill a Position
Whether you are a pastor or leader, the process of finding the right person for a position is one that causes stress across the board. Many of my clients worry that they won’t be able to find the best person for a position.
How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Delegating Gone Wrong
If you’re pastoring a church or leading a team, chances are you’ve felt the effects of delegating gone wrong. It can cost you time, energy, resources, and even people. For example, delegation done poorly can have you spending extra hours and lots of emotional energy fixing a massive problem created by the person you delegated a new responsibility to.
Why what we believe about God matters to how we live and lead
This past year has certainly been one for the books. It’s been filled with uncertainty and fear. And yet, it’s still up to us whether or not that is what drives how we live and lead.
How to discover your purpose (How I went from marine biologist wanna-be to leadership consultant)
Over the years, one thing has become evident to me. The people who live purpose-filled lives don’t end up there accidentally.
Is this what’s keeping you from trying something new? (What I learned from signing up for my first Ironman)
The night before the 2014 Madison Ironman, I was sitting on the shore of Lake Monona contemplating signing up for the 2015 race. I was incredibly undecided, but maybe not for the reason you’re thinking.
How to Discern the Next Faithful Step During Uncertain Times
A new year might be here, but the way forward is anything but clear. Last year saw everything about how we “do church” turned upside down.
Expectation vs. Reality of Being a Pastor
When I first started out as a pastor, I imagined preaching engaging messages and leading Bible studies that saw people bringing their friends to join us. The reality? Just because I did it didn’t mean they’d come.
Why These 2 Values are a Must When You Want to Innovate
I was leading my group coaching call when I heard the comment “This is going so slow, how do I get people to follow me? Will things ever change?” Can you relate?
How to Celebrate Advent in Your Home (+ How to Make an Advent Wreath)
We know celebrating Christmas will be different this year. But different doesn’t need to mean less meaningful, does it?
Behind the Scenes of Meaningful Christmas Services During a Pandemic
What is your plan for meaningful Christmas services and celebrations during a pandemic?